Well, hay gurl hay.. Or boy, I mean man, you're definitely a man. Anyway, my name is Whollygirl and it's so nice to meet you! I have been MIA for almost a whole year doing this thing called college. It's a new thing, not sure if you've heard of it but it's pretty fun. I've met a lot of great souls and I had to go to this thing called class. I don't know how they expect you to go to class when you're around awesome people all the time, so that may have been an issue.
Other than that I've been pretty steadily gaining weight. The freshman-fifteen is real people and I am not a fan. It may or may not be because of a little too much partying, I'm not gonna say. What I am gonna say though is that I now understand how tough it is to make healthy choices. Eating in a dining hall bloated me with salt and sugar. I was basically curing from the inside, like pork. I'm basically bacon. BACON I TELL YOU!
A year without my own personal stove made me want to cry then I savored T-bell a few times and it made me smile. I now understand why people make unhealthy choices.. because they taste good. I was also introduced to the Oreo cookie. Holy creamy white fluff it was amazing. Especially with peanut butter on top, now that is a sexual feeling in your mouth if I do say so myself.
Okay, I'll stop making you drool now. Or throw-up considering my eating habits flopped like a beagles ears. The thing is, I knew how to eat healthy and I just ignored it, straight up listened to the devil on my shoulder not the fit angel.
This year taught me so much especially that eating healthy can be tough! Now that I'm home I am focusing on cleansing my body. I have gone Paleo, you know caveman style. This might make you ponder but if I tie my hair in front of my face I definitely have a nice beard flow going. (Maybe I should change Whollygirl to Cavegirl?) Sorry I am so ADD.
So anyway! I will be taking you through my Paleo adventure and I will continue to share my adventure through my second year of this thing called college. So hang out with me, Cavegirl for the summer and learn and live Paleo.. with a few cheat meals of course.
Love ya!
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